Friday, May 25, 2007

Revenge of the 99 Cent Store / Twisty Bamboo

Kerry (Top) . Tara (Bottom)

Kerry: Revenge of the 99 Cent Store - I have several pictures in my Flickr photostream of things I've found at the Marukai 99 cent store (cheap crap - and some steals - imported from Japan). This is a (very cool looking) bento box that I bought two of the other day. (I got one pink, one blue.) They don't actually stay closed and I have to put a rubber band around them to keep the pieces together, but I don't care. They're still the coolest thing ever. They say "feel at ease... enjoy a quiet lunch time while feeling a season. nature put a person at his ease". Awesome.

Tara: Twisty Bamboo - Kerry gave me this bamboo plant when we were both living in New Orleans and she and her husband were about to move to Hawaii. They were three stalks of twisty bamboo. When we moved from New Orleans to Memphis, I put this plant in the cupholder. I love it so much. Since Kerry has had them, there have been some changes. I had to change vases to a bigger one because they are so tall now and just recently, one of the bamboo broke. It's still alive just considerably shorter than the others. I hope the next place we get stationed, we get to drive to because I don't want to get rid of it for awhile. My dream is that someday I can give it back to Kerry when we are about to move. This means that we will live in the same city one day. That would be nice.


Kerry said...

Awwww...that's so sweet!
(Some background info: I bought that bamboo at the mall in Philadelphia when I was visiting home one time and brought it back to New Orleans on the plane with me. That is some globetrotting bamboo!)

Mother Hoodwink said...

Wow, it really is. I wasn't sure if I would be able to take it on a plane but I guess if I just wrap it up with water somehow and stick it in a bag, no one would really know. Well, except security. I do know that I am never getting rid of it. If we have to go overseas and can't bring it, I'll leave it with my mom until I come back. I love that damn bamboo.

Kerry said...

I think what I did was wrap up the roots in a damp paper towel, then put a plastic baggie over it with a rubber band. I do remember that I carried it on the plane in a shopping bag. Of course it was much smaller then!
I'm glad you like it. :)