Friday, May 11, 2007

Branches / Engineering Wonder

Kerry . Tara

Kerry: Branches - Obviously I have a thing for plumeria trees and clouds lately. I think that plumerias might honestly be my favorite thing about Hawaii.

Tara: Engineering Wonder - This picture is not all that pretty but I find it interesting. I'm no engineer or electrician, so I don't know how important this box of wires is, but I have to wonder how effective it is to fix this broken box with lots of rouge electrical tape. Want to know the most ironic part of this? This superb craftsmanship is being displayed right here on the military base I live on. (It's probably totally illegal to take pictures of a military base and then show the Internet. Shh, don't rat me out.)

You might say that this is just a temporary solution until they got the necessary parts to finish the job. I said that too. Back in September of 2005 when I first saw it. I'm starting to think that this is really the finished product. Yay for taxes!!

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