Kerry . Tara

Kerry: Rings - Brandon has finally started using the ring stacking toy in the way it's intended to be used. Up until this point, he'd been more interested in taking the rings off of the pole than in putting them back on - not that he lacked the fine motor skills to do it, he just couldn't be bothered to use them. He hasn't quite grasped the concept of putting the rings on in the right order, though. I was trying to get a good picture of the rings stacked up in reverse order, when he walked by and knocked them over. That's the kind of thing he does. The next 17 years should be fun.
Tara: Foam Letters - My son must have all 26 letters and numbers 0 - 9 in the tub with him every night. He apparently likes to bathe in knowledge.
Kerry, want to know something that shouldn't surprise you whatsoever? We have the exact same glider. Seriously, Kerry, get your own life and ideas already. :)
You know perfectly well that I had mine before you had yours. So maybe you should stop copying me.
Does yours squeak like a crazy mofo?
No, but we don't really use it all that much. It may start now that we've moved it to the living room though.
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