Kerry . Tara

Kerry: Artistic Expression - Lately we've been finding things around the house that defy any explanation other than Brandon's budding artistic temperament: artfully stacked toys, unexpected juxtapositions of household objects, and this little installation that we found next to the front door today: Kix lined up at regular intervals (note how they curve around the corner). It was so impressive that I almost didn't want to clean it up. (Please disregard the fact that the rug is badly in need of a vacuuming. It's essentially a doormat.)
Tara: Sunbathing Buddha - This is a Buddha we keep under the lamp on the top shelf of our bookshelf. We're not Buddhists but we appreciate the religion and we just like the Buddha. My husband bought him for two dollars at a Chinese restaurant.
I got a similar Buddha (different pose) at the 99 cent store. Does that mean that Dim was overcharged, or just that I'm a better Buddha deal-finder?
Probably both. Maybe the Chinese restaurant bought a box full from the 99 cent store and are trying to make a profit.
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