Thursday, July 12, 2007

Fish Out of Water / Big Wheel

Kerry (Top) . Tara (Bottom)

Kerry: Fish Out of Water - Brandon has some interesting ideas about where his goldfish crackers should go. Under no circumstances are they to be eaten directly from the Take & Toss snack cup that they are in when I give them to him.

Tara: Big Wheel - Shrek never had a chance. This particular Shrek talks when a button on his chest is pushed. I kept hearing, "I'm an ogre!" and "Buuuuuurrrp." I look and my son is trying to kill Shrek.


Tara said...

Gavin has issues with eating from the take and toss cups too. He likes to fling it around until all the food has fallen out so he can eat it off the floor. Also, how does Brandon not pull out that straw and play with it? Gavin will drink from straws all day long but as soon as he's not thirsty anymore, he'll pull the straw out so he can just hold it. Not do anything with it. Just hold it.

Kerry said...

We definitely have that problem with the cups from Jamba Juice - he drinks half of his smoothie, pulls the straw out and spills acai all over the carpet. (And that stuff STAINS!) The Take & Toss ones, though, he doesn't pull out. I don't know why, and I don't question it. But he does love to hold straws. He chews on them, too.