Kerry . Tara

Kerry: Ah, What Do! - At the music store on Friday, Brandon found the drum room. I showed him what happens when you hit the cymbal, and he just about lost his mind. He spent several minutes experimenting with the different sounds that the various drums made - including the stools, of course. I'm seriously shocked he didn't throw a tantrum when we made him leave.
It's funny because we already compared him to Animal all the time. Remember the moment in
The Muppet Movie when Floyd says "Show 'em what you do, Animal!" and Animal says "Ah, what do! Eat drums!" and he starts to chew on the cymbal, and Dr. Teeth says "No, no, not eat drums,
beat drums!" and Animal just kind of looks up with wide eyes, the cymbal still in his mouth? Yeah, that's Brandon.
Tara: King's Gems - This past weekend my mom came into town for my son's first birthday. While she was here we went to Graceland. It's one of those things you feel obligated to do if you're in Memphis. When my mom was a teenager, she was the president of the Pittsburgh chapter of the Elvis fan club. She played it off like she could care less about Graceland, but I knew she thought it was cool. This picture is an up close shot of a jumpsuit Elvis owned. There were so many displayed but this one had the most gems on it.